Environmental Sustainability

Sustainability In Our Tours

Environmental Levy 

As a highly valued sustainable eco-tourism organisation, we understand firsthand the pressures placed on the environment by human society. We also understand and recognise the very limited funding to get conservation work or research completed, with many organisations relying on government grants. In an effort start mitigating action, Sea All Dolphin Swims has developed a not-for-profit organisation, as a registered charity, funded by you!

Each client partaking in any of our tourism or education services, will pay a set levy of $10 inclusive of your purchased ticket, which is then donated to our not-for profit – Southern Ocean Environmental Link (SOEL). With this revenue, SOEL will then utilise it to support on the ground actions including multiple research initiatives. Our purpose is clear, implementing a levy push toward ‘Regenerative Tourism’ to help improve the health of the ocean through research, education, conservation, and plastic recycling.

Photodegradable Wetsuit Wash 

At Sea All Dolphin Swims keeping wetsuits clean and sanitised after each customer use is of top priority – after keeping a healthy marine environment of course! That is why we have chosen to use photodegradable wetsuit wash as a critical tool to ensure our wetsuits last longer, remain smooth and keep materials from deteriorating into the natural environment. With biodegradable properties, there is no concerns of harming the marine environment when eliminating nasty odors.

Supporting a sustainable future

Supporting projects supporting our future

Plastic recycling 

Plastic in the ocean and the natural environment is a big issue we are facing today. As we constantly see the negative effects that plastic has on our environment, Sea All Dolphin Swims is passionate in playing our part and supporting organisations that protect our marine flora and fauna. Our friends at Southern Ocean Environmental Link have designed a ‘Plastic recycling workshop’, that has been developed to help prevent plastics from entering the marine environment and enact a positive change through awareness and education. By taking part in this workshop, you will embark on a 60-minute journey learning about the entire process of recycling, including collecting, sorting, washing, shredding, and injecting into a new unique product. Individuals will be inspired towards marine advocacy through educational information about the impacts of plastic in our marine environment.

A collection point at the Sea All Dolphin Swims office located at the Queenscliff Harbour is available, and staff members will pass them onto SOEL to be recycled and used within Plastic Recycling Workshops.

Wetsuit recycling 

At Sea, All Dolphin Swims wetsuits are our uniform and with all uniforms comes a little bit of wear and tear. Fortunately, through years of experience and research we have been able to understand the impacts of apparel on our environments and have worked hard to make a change. Working alongside reputable organisations such as Ripcurl and O’Neil, we have developed an on-site recycling point for all pre-loved wetsuits in our community to be recycled and used to make playground matting. Next time its time to upgrade your wetsuit, drop it off here at the Sea All Dolphin Swim shopfront in Queenscliff and we will make sure it goes on to serve its next purpose!


Popes Eye Live Cameras 

Popes Eye Marine National Park is home to an extensive range of Victorian marine plants and animals. As one of our main tour attractions, it is incredibly important we use our resources to understand and conserve this area of renowned diving, picturesque seascapes, breeding zones and home to an array of unique species.

Our not-for-profit organisation Southern Ocean Environmental Link (SOEL) has recently taken over the ownership of Victoria’s first under and above water live-stream cameras situated at Popes Eye.  Previous owners, The Nature Conservancy (TNC), developed this world first software to connect global audiences with the unique flora and fauns that inhabit Port Phillip Marine National Park.

Continuing on with TNC’s hard work, SOEL has utilised this window into the marine world to not only connect global audiences but provide a range of educational resources and innovative monitoring practices.  We are excited to announce that through our collaboration with Deakin University, we aim to enhance research and support new investigation toward the breeding colony of Australasian Gannets which have shown to be keystone species of Port Phillip Bay. Steward scientists will utilise innovative technology and Artificial Intelligence to monitor Australasian gannet contribution to Port Phillip Bay biodiversity and their ability to store and recycle Blue Carbon. Community involvement will be encouraged through the use of online platforms and educational content to become involved in mapping the frequency and location of gannets and track the removal of seagrass being distributed for nest building.

Currently, SOEL is working hard towards installing a weather station that will be able to record and monitor conditions within the heart of Port Phillip Bay. These updates will be available online for all local business, community members and users of the bay to log online and assess current conditions. For more information on the exciting projects happening at Popes Eye Marine National Park please visit – www.soel.org.au.

Seal Watch 

Amongst our Seal and Dolphin Swim and Wildlife Sightseeing tours you are very fortunate to get up nice and close to the Australian Fur Seals hauling out at Chinamans Hat. The general public are encouraged to take head shot photos of Australian Fur Seals they observe in the bay. These images can then be uploaded to a data base on our website www.soel.org.au. The seals will be identified using AI software provided through Deakin University and will be highly valuable resource to obtain much needed data!

Data obtained from this research will provide insight into the population trends and habitat use of Australian Fur Seals, in turn highlighting the importance of man-made haul out structures (Chinamans Hat) for the species and its impacts on local marine resources. A number of human impacts continue to inflict on the health and safety of fur seals and emphasise the necessity for further research to inform the proper management of the mammals and their ecosystems. 

Digital Fin ID Program 

Sea All Dolphin Swims have developed a brand-new research initiative working alongside local dolphin researchers and assistants to further develop and understand Dolphin Research. Currently an identification catalogue has been created using Flukebook – an online platform that applies computer software to identify and track individual whales and dolphins across the globe. Working alongside Deakin University new and improved artificial intelligence will help to capture and analyse Dolphin fins within Port Phillip Bay to have a better understanding of the health of this species. We encourage the community to become involved within this program by capturing photos of dolphin fins and submitting to our online data base listed below!

Seal the Loop 

We are proud supporters of Zoo’s Victoria ‘Seal the Loop’ campaign, which provides marine stewardship through the installation of more than 300 brightly coloured bins all around Victoria Coastlines and waterways. By providing anglers at popular fishing spots with an easy access bin to responsibly dispose of their fishing line, we have been able to prevent these harmful material’s from entering the marine environment before it threatens wildlife.

Marine Rescue Unit 

As stewards of the Marine Environment, Sea All Dolphin Swims keeps strong relationships with Melbourne Zoo’s Marine Rescue Unit to ensure all wildlife are taken care of in times of emergency. As we are lucky enough to encounter marine animals such as seals, dolphins, seabirds, penguins and whales every day, it is important we act as the eyes and ears of Port Phillip Bay to assist and respond in the best way we can. If you see any injured or distressed marine animal on Victoria’s Coastline call 1300 245 MRU (1300 245 678).


Victorian National Park Associations (VNPA) Dragon Quest program is an exciting collaborative project with Sea All Dolphin Swims. Weedy sea dragons are the Victorian marine emblem and one of the most popular fish in the sea. The only place on earth they are found is in the waters of southern Australia – where we are lucky to work every day! Yet we know very little about their populations and genetic diversity.

The dragon quest program is helping to gain valuable insight into their total population numbers and range within Victorians Water. The development of Artificial Intelligence to assist in identifying weedy sea dragon populations automatically has been an incredible software advancement that will save thousands of labour hours and will automatically capture all relevant and required information for research.